We don’t know when we will get back to in-person classes in Wales, BUT the challenge of limited circumstances is an inspiration to creativity.
If we can’t teach yoga in-person, we can teach it online
If we can’t do hands-on-assists, we can learn to give better verbal cues
If we can’t practice yoga indoors, we can practice more outdoor yoga

And through each of these things, new learning and creativity arises.

For instance, virtual yoga classes are here to stay: many participants have told me how being able to do yoga from home has been life-changing and they will keep doing it, even after Covid-restrictions ease.

Teaching online – and teaching in-person – are BOTH core skills now for yoga teachers.

The truth is, our world is always changing. Consider how the lives of our parents or grandparents were SO different to ours now.

Learning to adapt and being brave enough to take steps forward into the unknown, whether they are small steps or huge leaps, is as relevant now as it has always been.

The next chance to join the Inspiratrix Yoga Teacher training is September 2021. Book yourself in for a chat about that here.