
It just finished yesterday and it was such a joy to offer to few days of peaceful recharge time to the people who made it, so precious amid this year of chaos.


When I trained to teach yoga I never imagined I would end up creating yoga retreats, yoga trainings and a “yoga studio without walls”.


I just did it because I thought it would ease the chronic pain in my body and I thought I might enjoy teaching.


But the gifts of becoming a yoga teacher have been many and various.


Which is why I like to pass them on and will be running a 200 hour training in September.


My Yoga Teacher training taster evening is on Tuesday 10th August.

  • Learn three tools to defeat the “Am I good enough” demons
  • Experience the flow and structure of one of our training sessions
  • Get your questions answered about what Yoga training entails
  • Meet trainers Claire Mace (me) and Adrian Kingsley-Hughes

This is for you if you feel curious and want a flavour of what a yoga training would be like, whether you are considering training this year or sometime in the future.


We’ll be in Valley Tabor Chapel Hall on Tuesday 10th August 6.30pm-9pm, and you can join us in person or via Zoom.


Book your spot (maximum 8 people) here.

