BEGINNERS to yoga think it’s all about doing the pose “correctly”…

INTERMEDIATE yoga practitioners believe it’s about chasing the next challenging pose…

But ADVANCED yogis know that the real yoga… is the yoga your body needs in that moment, irrespective of what that looks like!!!

I hate it when people are put off trying yoga by INSTAGRAM YOGA: gymnastic-types doing over-bendy complex poses that look impossibly hard.

Because sometimes, the most profound and powerful yoga can be surprisingly SIMPLE, and accessible to most people, with a few modifications.

Feeling stronger and MORE EASEFUL in your body is more important than your level of flexibility or collection of fancy leggings (yes, you can totally do yoga in a tracksuit).

And people new to yoga are very welcome to the sessions we run at Inspiratrix Yoga.

We offer 9 virtual yoga sessions a week (plus we’ll offer 2 outdoor yoga classes a week starting as soon as it’s legal!)

NEVER TRIED YOGA with us? Contact me for a code to get into a class for free.

Pick one of the Easy or Mixed Level classes if you’re just starting out.